
Hi! I'm Mirko. I help you to rethink your process.

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Mastering Process Automation with Daniel Matka from Robert Bosch

Hi Reader, Can you remember the last time you started a new project, turned a bright idea into reality or maybe even started your own business? If you're nodding yes, then you know the thrill of starting something new - and the mountain of to-do's that comes with it. One of the greatest challenges I've faced is the art of starting simple and progressing incrementally - the philosophy of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It still happens to me today that in my burst of motivation I want to do...

Hi Reader, Can you believe it's already November? Time does fly! 😳 I'd like to ask for a small favor that could make a big difference: As in the past two years, I've put together a brief survey to identify the BPM topics of 2024, and I'd love for you to participate.Because our community is such an important part of this journey, it is only logical that I collect your current thoughts and concerns:→ to get a better understanding of what BPM topics are important to you.→ to tailor the content...

Hi Reader, Expanding on the last newsletter, I'd like to stress the importance of interacting with other BPM enthusiasts. It's easy to recognize when someone is genuinely enthusiastic and deeply interested in a subject. In my opinion, this enthusiasm is what really drives us forward, especially in the research world. 🚀 Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of having meaningful conversations with a lot of passionate people. These discussions not only lead to fresh ideas and inspiration...

Hi Reader, Yes, you heard right 😍 There will be a New Process Conference! Now that we’ve finally signed the contract, I can share all the latest info with you. Two days packed with insights to rethink your process while being part of the BPM community. Ensuring that everyone gets exactly what they need out of the event. WHEN? April 17 & 18, 2024 WHERE? Lufthansa Seeheim, Germany WHY: MEET THE COMMUNITY AND EXPAND YOUR NETWORK 🤝Exchanging ideas, and finally getting to know each other in...

Hi Reader, I always enjoy connecting with other BPM enthusiasts like you. Whether it’s through LinkedIn chats or other platforms, every conversation brings fresh ideas and valuable feedback. 🤝 That’s why I actively seek out the recommendations and insights at the end of each podcast episode for my research into how to get people excited about processes. It’s amazing how these conversations open up new angles and thoughts that I hadn’t considered before. Sometimes it’s not just about diving...

Hi Reader, Ever paused and thought, "Do I really enjoy my job?". It's a question that might seem simple, but can we truly answer it with a straightforward "yes" or "no"? 🧐 The whole concept of work and how we perceive it has been a hot topic of discussion, especially with the rise of the New Work movement. Everyone has their unique take on what work means to them. But can we ever be 100% sure about our feelings towards our job? Personally, I'd say I enjoy what I do. But let's be real, there...

Hi Reader, When I first got into Process Modeling, I was surprised by how many notations there were. BPMN, EPC, UML… it felt like the list just kept going. 🤯 Picking a BPM notation isn’t easy. Everyone has their own opinion, often influenced by what they’ve learned or what’s being implemented in their organization. Over time, I've learned it's good to be open-minded. You know that I’m not a big fan of BPMN 2.0 and that made me even more curious to finally learn more about other notations. To...

Hi Reader, High motivation vs. staying a little longer in the newly won relaxation mode – probably something in between was my feeling when I came back from vacation last week. On the one hand, I was so excited to start the new project. On the other hand, I didn’t want our time together with my family in Italy to come to an end. But after some initial difficulties, I’ve been working all week on a topic that I’ve had on my list for a long time: → The Process Booster 🚀 A step-by-step guide to...

Hi Reader, I like to structure things and have high expectations of the results of my work. But I have to admit that I might still be working on the 80/20 rule - so getting 80% of the results with 20% of the total effort and the rest of the time is spent on the remaining 20%. Sometimes I can get lost in the details of a problem and change it around and around. My family and people I work with can tell you a story about this ;-) I have noticed this particularly in my self-employment around...

Hi Reader, Finding the perfect tool can be a challenging task. It is not a decision to be taken lightly. Once you have chosen a tool and integrated it into your process of process management, many things are organized around it. There are many factors to consider, such as whether the tool is fit for your purpose, the costs, how easy it is to use and how it interacts with other tools in the organization. 🔍 Those of you who have been with me for a while will be aware that I have been on a...